Grade 3 Curriculum

Below are skills needed, with links to resources to help with that skill. We also encourage plenty of exercises and book work. Curriculum Home

Important: this is a guide only.
Check with your local education authority to find out their requirements.

Grade 3 | Counting
☐ Skip count by 25's and 50's to 1,000 or by 100's to 10,000
Skip Counting by 5
Skip Count by 100
Skip Count by 25
Skip Count by 50
Definition of Skip Counting
Skip Counting
Grade 3 | Addition
☐ Use a variety of strategies to add 3-digit numbers (with and without regrouping)
Addition in Columns
Addition Tips and Tricks
Addition Worksheets
☐ Use and explain the commutative property of addition
Addition Tips and Tricks
Addition Table
Commutative, Associative and Distributive Laws
Smart Blocks
Definition of Commutative Law
Activity: Commutative, Associative and Distributive
Real Number Properties
☐ Understand and use the associative property of addition
Addition Tips and Tricks
Commutative, Associative and Distributive Laws
Smart Blocks
Definition of Associative Law
Activity: Commutative, Associative and Distributive
Real Number Properties
Grade 3 | Subtraction
☐ Use a variety of strategies to subtract 3-digit numbers (with and without regrouping)
Subtraction by Addition (Complements Method)
Quick Subtraction
Subtraction by Regrouping (Borrowing)
Subtraction Worksheets
Grade 3 | Multiplication
☐ Develop fluency with multiplication facts: 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x, 10x
Billiard Tables
Who Wants to be a Mathionaire - Multiplication Quiz
Reaction Math
Speed Math
Printable Multiplication Table
Multiplication Tips and Tricks
Math Trainer - Multiplication
Multiplication - Times Tables
Test your Multiplication - Times Tables From 2 to 15
Six Times Tables
Multiplication Worksheets
Eight Times Tables
Five Times Tables
Four Times Tables
Nine Times Tables
Printable Multiplication Table
Printable Multiplication Table - Small Size
Seven Times Tables
Ten Times Tables
Test your Maths
Three Times Tables
Two Times Tables
☐ Use a variety of strategies to solve multiplication problems with factors up to 12 x 12
Billiard Tables
Who Wants to be a Mathionaire - Multiplication Quiz
Math Match Game
Speed Math
Printable Multiplication Table
Multiplication Tips and Tricks
Math Trainer - Multiplication
Mixed Times Tables
Six Times Tables
Multiplication - Times Tables
Test your Multiplication - Times Tables From 2 to 15
Multiplication Worksheets
Eleven Times Tables
Eight Times Tables
Five Times Tables
Fix the Equation
Four Times Tables
Nine Times Tables
Printable Multiplication Table
Printable Multiplication Table - Small Size
Seven Times Tables
Ten Times Tables
Test your Maths
Three Times Tables
Twelve Times Tables
☐ Use the area model, tables, patterns, arrays, and doubling to provide meaning for multiplication
Number Blocks Freeplay
Multiply Blocks
Multiplication In the World Around You
☐ Use 1 as the identity element for multiplication
Definition of Multiplicative Identity
☐ Use the zero property of multiplication
Definition of Zero
Multiplying By Zero
☐ Use and explain the commutative property of multiplication
Commutative, Associative and Distributive Laws
Multiplication - Times Tables
Definition of Commutative Law
Multiplication Tips and Tricks
Real Number Properties
Grade 3 | Division
☐ Demonstrate fluency and apply single-digit division facts
Division Worksheets
Test your Maths
☐ Use tables, patterns, halving, and manipulatives to provide meaning for division
Number Blocks Freeplay
Division In the World Around You
Grade 3 | Numbers
☐ Identify odd and even numbers
Even and Odd Numbers
Colorable Number Chart
Definition of Odd Number
Definition of Even Number
☐ Develop an understanding of the properties of odd/even numbers as a result of addition or subtraction
Even and Odd Numbers
☐ Read and write whole numbers to 1,000
Definition of Whole Number
Definition of Thousand
Counting: Number Names to 100
Counting Names to 1000
☐ Compare and order numbers to 1,000
Ordering Game
Ordering Numbers
Definition of Ordering
In Order
☐ Understand the place value structure of the base ten number system: 10 ones = 1 ten 10 tens = 1 hundred 10 hundreds = 1 thousand
Place Value
Zoomable Number Line
☐ Use a variety of strategies to compose and decompose three-digit numbers
Composing and Decomposing Numbers
Grade 3 | Fractions
☐ Develop an understanding of fractions as part of a whole unit and as parts of a collection
Interactive Fractions
Match the Fraction
Match the Fraction - Fraction to Number Line
Match the Fraction - Fraction to Pizza
Match the Fraction - Words to Number Line
Match the Fraction - Words to Pizza
Proper Fractions
Fraction Number Line
☐ Use manipulatives, visual models, and illustrations to name and represent unit fractions (1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6 and 1/10) as part of a whole or a set of objects
Interactive Fractions
Match the Fraction
Match the Fraction - Fraction to Number Line
Match the Fraction - Fraction to Pizza
Match the Fraction - Words to Number Line
Match the Fraction - Words to Pizza
Fraction Number Line
☐ Understand and recognize the meaning of numerator and denominator in the symbolic form of a fraction
Interactive Fractions
Match the Fraction
Proper Fractions
☐ Recognize fractional numbers as equal parts of a whole
Interactive Fractions
Match the Fraction
Match the Fraction - Fraction to Number Line
Match the Fraction - Fraction to Pizza
Match the Fraction - Words to Number Line
Match the Fraction - Words to Pizza
Proper Fractions
Fraction Number Line
☐ Explore equivalent fractions (1/2, 1/3, 1/4)
Equivalent Fractions
Fraction Number Line
☐ Compare and order unit fractions (1/2, 1/3, 1/4) and find their approximate locations on a number line
Number Line
Fraction Number Line
Ordering Game
Grade 3 | Measurement
☐ Select tools and units appropriate for the length measured (metric units)
Definition of Ruler
Definition of Linear Scale
US Standard Lengths
Metric Length
Activity: Discover Lengths
☐ Select and use standard metric and non-standard units to estimate measurements
Activity: Compare Lengths
Metric Length
Definition of Estimate
Definition of Estimation
Estimation (Introduction)
Activity: Discover Lengths
Activity: Personal Measures
☐ Use a ruler to measure to the nearest standard unit (centimeters or half centimeters)
Metric Length
Activity: Discover Lengths
Activity: Personal Measures
☐ Weigh objects (grams or kilograms)
Metric Mass (Weight)
Metric System of Measurement
Definition of Balance Scales
Activity: Discover Mass
☐ Recognize capacity as an attribute that can be measured
Definition of Capacity
Activity: Discover Capacity (Volumes)
☐ Compare metric capacities (e.g., Which contains more? Which contains less?)
Measuring 2 Litres
Measuring 2, 2 and 3 Liters
Measuring Just 1 Liter
Pouring Liquid
Activity: Discover Capacity (Volumes)
Metric Volume
☐ Measure capacity, using metric standard units (liters)
Metric Volume
Metric System of Measurement
Activity: Discover Capacity (Volumes)
☐ Identify compass directions: NE etc and NNE etc
Definition of Direction
Definition of Compass Points
Direction (NSEW)
Compass: North South East and West
☐ Weigh objects (ounces or pounds)
US Standard Mass (Weight)
Introduction to US Standard Units
Definition of Balance Scales
Activity: Discover Mass
☐ Select tools and units appropriate for the length measured (US units)
Introduction to US Standard Units
Definition of Ruler
Definition of Linear Scale
US Standard Lengths
Activity: Discover Lengths
Activity: Personal Measures
☐ Select and use standard US and non-standard units to estimate measurements
Activity: Compare Lengths
Definition of Estimate
Definition of Estimation
US Standard Lengths
Estimation (Introduction)
Activity: Discover Lengths
Activity: Personal Measures
☐ Use a ruler to measure to the nearest standard unit (inches or half inches)
US Standard Lengths
Activity: Discover Lengths
Activity: Personal Measures
☐ Measure capacity, using standard US units (pints or gallons)
Introduction to US Standard Units
Measuring Cups
US Standard Volume
Activity: Discover Capacity (Volumes)
☐ Compare US standard capacities (e.g., Which contains more? Which contains less?)
US Standard Volume
Pouring Liquid
Measuring Cups
Activity: Discover Capacity (Volumes)
Grade 3 | Time
☐ Relate unit fractions to the face of the clock: * Whole = 60 minutes * 1/2 = 30 minutes * 1/4 = 15 minutes
Clocks - Digital and Analog
Fractions on a Clock Face
☐ Tell time to the minute, using digital and analog clocks
Date and Time Clock
Clocks - Digital and Analog
Analog and Digital Clocks Animation
Time Worksheets
Activity: Clocks and Angles
Grade 3 | Geometry (Plane)
☐ Define and use correct terminology when referring to shapes (circle, triangle, square, rectangle, rhombus, trapezoid, kite and hexagon)
Shapes Freeplay
Quadrilaterals - Square, Rectangle, Rhombus, Trapezoid, Parallelogram
Definition of Circle
Definition of Quadrilateral
Definition of Square
Definition of Rectangle
Definition of Rhombus
Definition of Trapezoid
Definition of Parallelogram
Definition of Triangle
Definition of Isosceles Triangle
Definition of Scalene Triangle
2D Shapes - Polygons and More
Interactive Quadrilaterals
Definition of Hexagon
☐ Identify congruent and similar figures
Definition of Congruent
Definition of Similar
☐ Identify and construct lines of symmetry
Geometry - Reflection
Symmetry - Reflection and Rotation
Symmetry Artist
Reflection Symmetry
Definition of Symmetry
Definition of Reflection Symmetry
Definition of Line Symmetry
Definition of Mirror Image
Definition of Axis of Symmetry
Activity: Symmetry of Shapes
Lines of Symmetry of Plane Shapes
Grade 3 | Geometry (Solid)
☐ Name, describe, compare, and sort three-dimensional shapes: cube, cylinder, sphere, torus, prism, pyramid and cone
Spinning Cone
Spinning Cylinder
Spinning Cube (Hexahedron)
Prisms with Examples
Definition of Cube
Definition of Cylinder
Definition of Sphere
Definition of Prism
Definition of Pyramid
Definition of Cone
Spinning Square Pyramid
Spinning Triangular Pyramid
Common 3D Shapes
☐ Identify the faces on a three-dimensional shape as two-dimensional shapes
Definition of Face
Common 3D Shapes
☐ Understand the three dimensions including the definitions of point, line, plane and solid
Line in Geometry
What is a Plane?
Definition of Solid
Grade 3 | Pre-Algebra
☐ Use the equality or inequality symbols (with and without the use of a number line) to compare whole numbers and unit fractions (1/2,1/3,1/4,1/5,1/6 and 1/10)
Comparing Numbers
Compare Unit Fractions
Definition of Number Line
Fraction Number Line
Equal, Less and Greater Than Symbols
Compare Fractions
Comparing Fractions
☐ Describe and extend numeric (+, -) and geometric patterns
Definition of Number Pattern
Pattern Match - Numbers
Pattern Match - Shapes
Make your own Number Patterns
Pattern Match - Colors
Grade 3 | Data
☐ Formulate questions about themselves and their surroundings
Activity: Improving Questions
Activity: Asking Questions
☐ Collect data using observation and surveys, and record appropriately
How to Do a Survey
Survey Questions
Activity: Parking Spaces
Definition of Data
What is Data?
Activity: Most Loved Pet
Activity: Counting Cars
Activity: Day of the Week Born
☐ Construct a frequency table to represent a collection of data
Showing the Results of a Survey
Frequency Distribution
Activity: An Experiment with a Die
Activity: An Experiment with Dice
Activity: Most Loved Pet
Definition of Frequency Distribution
Activity: Day of the Week Born
☐ Identify the parts of pictographs and bar graphs
Bar Graphs
Make a Bar Graph
Data Graphs (Bar, Line, Pie)
☐ Display data in pictographs and bar graphs
Data Graphs (Bar, Line, Pie)
Showing the Results of a Survey
Bar Graphs
Frequency Distribution
☐ State the relationships between pictographs and bar graphs
Bar Graphs
☐ Read and interpret data in bar graphs and pictographs
Data Graphs (Bar, Line, Pie)
Showing the Results of a Survey
Bar Graphs
Make a Bar Graph
☐ Formulate conclusions and make predictions from data graphs
Showing the Results of a Survey
Activity: Parking Spaces
Grade 3 | Estimation
☐ Estimate numbers up to 500
Estimation Games
Definition of Estimation
Definition of Estimate
Visual Estimation
☐ Recognize real world situations in which an estimate (rounding) is more appropriate
Visual Estimation
Estimation (Introduction)
Estimation Tips and Tricks
Activity: Count to a Billion
Rounding Numbers
Activity: Grass for the Garden
Activity: Garden Area
Activity: Estimation
☐ Check reasonableness of an answer by using estimation
Estimation (Introduction)
Estimation Tips and Tricks
Grade 3 | Money
☐ Count and represent combined coins and dollars, using currency symbols ($0.00)
Money Master
Currencies of the World
Activity: Counting Coins