Activity: Most Loved Pet
Ask your friends, or classmates, or relatives,
"What is your favorite pet?"
Give them some easy choices, like:
- Cat
- Fish
- Dog
- Rabbit
- Bird
Use Tally Marks to help you keep count. |
You can use this form (or make your own):
Tally Marks |
Total | |
Cat |
Fish |
Dog |
Rabbit |
Bird |
Other |
Other Questions You Could Ask
Here are some other ideas for questions:
"What is your favorite color?" (Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, Pink, ...)
"What is your favorite African Animal?" (Lion, Cheetah, Elephant, Giraffe, Meerkat, ...)
"How Long Does it Take You to Get To School/Work" (Less than 5 mins, 5-10 mins, 10-30 mins, ...)
"What did you eat last night?" (Pasta, Curry, Pizza, Fish, ...)
Present Your Results
Use a bar graph to make your results look pretty
Here is an example for favorite type of music