Fractions !

Fractions show how many equal parts we have from a whole

pie 1/2pie 2/4pie 4/8

Let's learn about:


Fractions on a pizza and the number line

mixed fraction hdr

The three different types of fractions

How to simplify a fraction, and how the "Greatest Common Factor" can help

fraction number line thumb

How to compare fractions, and how the "Least Common Multiple" can help


How to add, subtract, multiply and divide fractions

"Multiplying fractions no big problem,
Top times top over bottom times bottom,

"Dividing fractions, easy as pie,
Flip the second fraction, then multiply,

"If adding or subtracting is your aim,
The bottom numbers must be the same!

"Change the bottom using multiply or divide,
But the same to the top must be applied,

"And don't forget to simplify,
Before it's time to say goodbye"

How to convert fractions to decimals and vice versa



How to convert fractions to percentages and vice versa

dog upside down

Reciprocal fractions