Convert Decimals to Fractions

0.7 to 7/10

Decimals and fractions are two ways of showing the same value. Fractions are useful in many cases, such as in recipes and dividing things into parts. Let's explore how we can convert decimals into fractions step by step!

To convert a decimal to a fraction follow these steps:

Example: Convert 0.75 to a fraction

Step 1: Write down 0.75 divided by 1:

0.75 1

Step 2: Multiply both top and bottom by 100 (because there are 2 digits after the decimal point so that is 10×10=100):

× 100
right over arrow
0.75 1 = 75 100
right under arrow
× 100

(Do you see how it turns the top number
into a whole number?)

Step 3: Simplify the fraction (this took me two steps):

  ÷5   ÷ 5  
right over arrow   right over arrow
75 100 = 15 20 = 3 4
right under arrow   right under arrow
  ÷5   ÷ 5  


Answer = 3 4


Note: 75/100 is called a decimal fraction and 3/4 is called a common fraction !

Example: Convert 0.625 to a fraction

Step 1: Write down:

0.625 1

Step 2: multiply both top and bottom by 1,000 (3 digits after the decimal point, so 10×10×10=1,000)

625 1000

Step 3: Simplify the fraction (it took me two steps here):

  ÷ 25   ÷ 5  
right over arrow   right over arrow
625 1000 = 25 40 = 5 8
right under arrow   right under arrow
  ÷ 25   ÷ 5  


Answer = 5 8

When there is a whole number part, put the whole number aside and bring it back at the end:

Example: Convert 2.35 to a fraction

Put the 2 aside and just work on 0.35

Step 1: Write down:

0.35 1

Step 2: multiply both top and bottom by 100 (2 digits after the decimal point so that is 10×10=100):

35 100

Step 3: Simplify the fraction:

÷ 5
right over arrow
35 100 = 7 20
right under arrow
÷ 5

Bring back the 2 (to make a mixed fraction):

Answer = 2 7 20

Example: Convert 0.333 to a fraction

Step 1: Write down:

0.333 1

Step 2: Multiply both top and bottom by 1,000 (3 digits after the decimal point so that is 10×10×10=1,000)

333 1000

Step 3: Simplify Fraction:

Can't get any simpler!


Answer = 333 1000

But a Special Note:

If you really meant 0.333... (in other words 3s repeating forever which is called 3 recurring) then we follow a special method.

Start as usual:

0.333... 1

Then multiply both top and bottom by 3:

× 3
right over arrow
0.333... 1 = 0.999... 3
right under arrow
× 3

And 0.999... = 1 (Does it? - see the 9 Recurring discussion for more if you are interested), so:

Answer = 1 3

As well as 0.333... we can look out for other patterns such as:

16 = 0.1666...
17 = 0.142857142857...
19 = 0.111...
111 = 0.0909...

Example: Convert 0.444... to a fraction

Step 1: Write down:

0.444... 1

The pattern is similar to 19 = 0.111...

Step 2: Try multiplying both top and bottom by 9:

× 9
right over arrow
0.444... 1 = 3.999... 9
right under arrow
× 9

Step 3: Simplify:

4 9


Conversion Tool

You can also try the Decimal to Fraction Calculator


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