Symbols in Algebra

Some Common Algebra Symbols

Common Symbols Used in Algebra

Symbols save time and space when writing. Here are the most common algebraic symbols (also see Symbols in Geometry):

Symbol Meaning Example
+ add 3+7 = 10
subtract 5−2 = 3
× multiply 4×3 = 12
· multiply (as "×" can look like "x") 4·3 = 12
/ divide 20/5 = 4
( ) grouping symbols (round brackets) 2(a−3)
[ ] grouping symbols (square brackets) 2[ a−3(b+c) ]
{ } set symbols (curly brackets) {1,2,3}
= equals 1+1 = 2
approximately equal to π 3.14
not equal to π 2
< ≤ less than, less than or equal to 2 < 3
> ≥ greater than, greater than or equal to 5 > 1
equivalent to (identical in value or meaning)
proportional to y ∝ x
Δ delta (change in, difference) Δx = 5 − 2 = 3
implies (if ... then) a and b are odd a+b is even
"if and only if" or iff or "is equivalent to" x=y+1 y=x−1
Therefore a=b b=a
For all (universal quantifier) ∀x, x2 ≥ 0
there exists ∃x such that x2 = 4
square root ("radical") √4 = 2
cube root symbol cube root  
nth root symbol nth root  
|x| Absolute Value |−3| = 3
! Factorial 4! = 4×3×2×1 = 24
Σ Sigma (sum of values in a range) Σx for x = 1 to 4:
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
Π Capital Pi (product of values in a range) Πx for x = 1 to 4:
1 × 2 × 3 × 4 = 24
(f º g) Function Composition
Infinity < x <
e Euler's Number e = 2.718...
π Pi circumference = 2πr
φ Golden Ratio φ = 1.618...