Unexpected Test Puzzle - Solution
The Puzzle:
Your teacher says there will be a test at noon this week, but the day will be a surprise.
You think about this for a while and figure that:
• it can't be on Friday, because if there is no test by the end of Thursday it must then be on Friday, which would not be a surprise
• it can't be on Thursday either, because it can't be Friday and if there is no test by the end of Wednesday then it has to be on Thursday, which would also not be a surprise
• likewise it cannot be Wednesday, Tuesday or Monday.
Yay no test!
The teacher gives you all a test on Wednesday, which is a great surprise.
How is this possible?
Our Solution:
Many great minds have puzzled on this and there is no real solution!
Look up "Unexpected Hanging Paradox" on the interweb if you want to learn more.