High School Finance Curriculum

Below are skills needed, with links to resources to help with that skill. We also encourage plenty of exercises and book work. Curriculum Home

Important: this is a guide only.
Check with your local education authority to find out their requirements.

High School Finance | Money
☐ Calculate compound interest, compounded annually over a number of years at a constant annual rate of interest.
Compound Interest
Compound Interest Calculator
Compound Interest Derivations
☐ Calculate compound interest, compounded over a period other than a year (a month, quarterly or semiannually) at a constant annual rate of interest.
Compound Interest
Compound Interest - Periodic Compounding
Compound Interest Calculator
Compound Interest Derivations
e - Euler's number
Investment/Loan Graph
☐ Know how to use and apply the four compound interest formulas - to find Future Value (FV), Present Value (PV), interest rate (r) or number of periods (n)
Compound Interest Derivations
Compound Interest Calculator
Compound Interest
Compound Interest - Periodic Compounding
☐ Understand Present Value (PV) and how to calculate future payments from present value, or vice versa using exponents.
Present Value (PV)
Compound Interest
☐ Understand Net Present Value (NPV) and how to calculate it.
Net Present Value (NPV)
Present Value (PV)
☐ Understand the Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and how to use it.
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Net Present Value (NPV)
Present Value (PV)
☐ Understand the risks and rewards involved in investments, how to compare investment choices, and what is meant by 'Diversify'.
Present Value (PV)
Net Present Value (NPV)
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Compound Interest - Periodic Compounding
Compound Interest
Investing introduction
☐ Calculate the value of each payment of an annuity given the present value, or vice versa.
☐ Understand the difference between wages and salary, and know how to calculate income tax.
☐ Understand budgeting, how it relates to income and expenditure, and how to make the right choices to keep spending under control.