Properties of Regular Polygons

A polygon is a plane shape (two-dimensional) with straight sides.

a building with polygons

Polygons are all around us, from doors and windows to stop signs. Let's explore what makes some of them ‘regular’ and why that matters!


A regular polygon has:

Otherwise it is irregular.

pentagon regular
Regular Pentagon
irregular pentagon
Irregular Pentagon

Regular polygons have some cool properties, let's explore them.

Properties of Regular Polygons

So what can we know about regular polygons? First of all, we can work out angles.

exterior angle

Exterior Angle

The Exterior Angle is the angle between any side of a shape,
and a line extended from the next side.

All the exterior angles of a polygon add up to 360°, so:

Each exterior angle must be 360°/n

(where n is the number of sides)

Press play button to see.

walking around corner

Imagine walking around the edge of a building, turning at each corner. By the time you return to where you started, you've turned a full 360°

Example: What is the exterior angle of a regular octagon?

external angle of regular octagon
Exterior Angle
(of a regular octagon)

An octagon has 8 sides, so:

Exterior angle =360° / n
=360° / 8

exterior interior angle

Interior Angles

The Interior Angle and Exterior Angle are measured from the same line, so they add up to 180°.

Interior Angle = 180° − Exterior Angle

Since we already know the Exterior Angle is 360°/n:

Interior Angle = 180° − 360°/n

Which can be rearranged like this:

Interior Angle= 180° − 360°/n
 = (n × 180° / n) − (2 × 180° / n)
  = (n−2) × 180°/n

So we also have this:

Interior Angle = (n−2) × 180° / n


Example: What is the interior angle of a regular octagon?

A regular octagon has 8 sides, so:

Exterior Angle = 360° / 8 = 45°

Interior Angle = 180° − 45° = 135°

internal angle of regular octagon
Interior Angle
(of a regular octagon)

Or we could use:

Interior Angle= (n−2) × 180° / n
  = (8−2) × 180° / 8
  = 6 × 180° / 8
  = 135°

Same answer.

Example: What are the interior and exterior angles of a regular hexagon?

regular hexagon

A regular hexagon has 6 sides, so:

Exterior Angle =
360° / 6 = 60°
Interior Angle =
180° − 60° = 120°

Some polygons have special circles hidden inside and around them! Let's explore them and their names:

"Circumcircle, Incircle, Radius and Apothem ..."

Sounds quite musical if you repeat it a few times, but they are just the names of the "outer" and "inner" circles (and each radius) that can be drawn on a polygon like this:

apothem incircle, radius, circumcircle


The "outside" circle is called a circumcircle, and it connects all vertices (corner points) of the polygon.

The radius of the circumcircle is also the radius of the polygon.


The "inside" circle is called an incircle and it just touches each side of the polygon at its midpoint.

The radius of the incircle is the apothem of the polygon.


(Not all polygons have those properties, but all triangles and regular polygons do).

Breaking into Triangles

hexagon triangles side and apothem

We can learn a lot about regular polygons by breaking them into triangles like this:

Notice that:

Now, the area of a triangle is half of the base times height, so:

Area of one triangle =
base × height / 2
side × apothem / 2

To get the area of the whole polygon, just add up the areas of all the little triangles ("n" of them):

Area of Polygon = n × side × apothem / 2

And since the perimeter is all the sides = n × side, we get:

Area of Polygon = perimeter × apothem / 2

A Smaller Triangle

By cutting the triangle in half we get this:

regular polygon sector

(Note: The angles are in radians, not degrees)

The small triangle is right-angled and so we can use sine, cosine and tangent to find how the side, radius, apothem and n (number of sides) are related:

sin(π/n) = (Side/2) / Radius right arrow Side = 2 × Radius × sin(π/n)
cos(π/n) = Apothem / Radius right arrow Apothem = Radius × cos(π/n)
tan(π/n) = (Side/2) / Apothem right arrow Side = 2 × Apothem × tan(π/n)

There are a lot more relationships like those (most of them just "re-arrangements"), but these are the most useful ones.

More Area Formulas

We can use that to calculate the area when we only know the Apothem:

Area of Small Triangle= ½ × Apothem × (Side/2)

And we know (from the "tan" formula above) that:

Side = 2 × Apothem × tan(π/n)


Area of Small Triangle= ½ × Apothem × (Apothem × tan(π/n))
 = ½ × Apothem2 × tan(π/n)

And there are 2 such triangles per side, or 2n for the whole polygon:

Area of Polygon = n × Apothem2 × tan(π/n)

When we don't know the Apothem, we can use the same formula but re-worked for Radius or for Side:

Area of Polygon = ½ × n × Radius2 × sin(2 × π/n)

Area of Polygon = ¼ × n × Side2 / tan(π/n)

A Table of Values

And here is a table of Side, Apothem and Area compared to a Radius of "1", using the formulas we have worked out:

Type Name when
Shape Interior Angle Radius Side Apothem Area
(or Trigon)
3 regular triangle 60° 1 1.732
0.5 1.299
(or Tetragon)
Square 4 regular quadrilateral 90° 1 1.414
Pentagon Regular
5 pentagon regular 108° 1 1.176 0.809 2.378
Hexagon Regular
6 hexagon regular 120° 1 1 0.866
(or Septagon)
7 heptagon refular 128.571° 1 0.868 0.901 2.736
Octagon Regular
8 octagon regular 135° 1 0.765 0.924 2.828
... ...              
Pentacontagon Regular
50   172.8° 1 0.126
(Note: values correct to 3 decimal places only)


regular polygon graph


And here is a graph of the table above, but with number of sides ("n") from 3 to 30.

Notice that as "n" gets bigger, the Apothem is tending towards 1 (equal to the Radius) and that the Area is tending towards π = 3.14159..., just like a circle.

What is the Side length tending towards?


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