
Perimeter is the distance around a two-dimensional shape.

Example: the perimeter of this rectangle is 7+3+7+3 = 20

perimeter of rectangle

Example: the perimeter of this regular pentagon

perimeter of pentagon

3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 5×3 = 15


The perimeter of a circle is called the circumference:

Circumference = 2π × radius

Perimeter Formulas

Triangle Triangle
Perimeter = a + b + c
Square Square
Perimeter = 4 × a
a = length of side
Rectangle Rectangle
Perimeter = 2 × (a + b)
Parallelogram Quadrilateral
Perimeter = a + b + c + d
circle Circle
Circumference = 2πr
r = radius
Sector Sector
Perimeter = r(θ+2)
r = radius
θ = angle in radians
ellipse Ellipse
Perimeter = very hard!

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