Hour Maze

Use clock numbers (1 to 12). A number's "neighbor" (above, below, left or right, except if separated by a maze wall) must be one of the two numbers nearest on a clock face.


Numbers must run in sequence. A number's "neighbor" (any square above or below, to left or to right, not separated by a maze wall) must be one of the two numbers nearest on a clock face.

For instance, 6 can be next to 7 or 5. The number 12 next to 11 or 1, and 1 can only have 12 or 2 next to it.

You must use full sets of 1 - 12 but a set does not have to be all in sequence.
So you might have 1,2,3,4 in one place and 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 somewhere else.

A bigger maze has more sets:
• 6X6=(36) has 3 sets.
• 6X8=(48) has 4 sets.