Go Game
The Ancient Game of Go
(Update: we are working on a version where you can play remote players. First you register/login, then invite anyone else logged in to play. Test it out here.)
If you can encircle your opponent's stones you gain territory (and points).
A stone (or group of stones) is encircled when all places above, below, left and right are opposing stones (or board edge).
Try this ... place stones in this pattern:
Now place a black stone on the right:
The white stone gets captured! And black gets a boost in points.
Also: you can't place a stone on top of another, or in a spot where it would be encircled straight away.
The players decide when to end! The winner is whoever has the highest score.
Computer Player
We have created a very simple computer player for you, but please don't expect it to be very good.
You see, Go is very hard for computers. There are hundreds of possible moves each turn. For the computer to think just a few turns ahead could need trillions of calculations.
Note: Go is also called "baduk" or "weiqi" (pronounced "way-e-chee")