Activity: Gathering Data for Questions

sage thinks

First do these two activities:

Now choose one of your questions, and let us work out how to gather the data!

Your Question:  

How to Gather

How you gather the data depends on the type of question.

Select your Method

But before you go gathering data, make a form that can be filled in.

The form can be on paper and you can use a clipboard.

Or it can be on computer-based. If so choose your software.

Plan to gather as much information for each answer that you can (without affecting people's privacy) so that you can play with the data later.

Example: People's opinion on spending more on the park:

Subject Opinion
Age Gender Spend More (y/n)? On What? How Much?

Prepare Each Question Like This

Do a Test Run

Try your questions on a friend or two.

Then go out and do your survey!

And Be Polite

Always be polite when asking questions, the person is being kind to you by taking the time to answer your questions.

If they don't want to answer a question don't force them, just put "no answer" on your form.